Stop the Minerals Forum Coalition 2020 – 13th October
Here is an update from the Stop the Minerals Forum Coalition.
If you’re keen to attend you can add your details here
Or email the campaign at

The Minerals Forum is an annual conference and exhibition covering mining in New Zealand.
It is a place where industry comes together to discuss, invest and celebrate mining and destructive mining operations. The main -platinum- sponsor is Bathurst Resources Limited, responsible for digging up 2.2 million tonnes of coal in Aotearoa last year. Apart from Bathurst other organisations like New Zealand Coal and Carbon, Oceana Gold, AusIMM, Strattera and Fonterra are all key players, invited on their stages as panelists, opinion makers and inspirations.
The conference wants to present itself as “part of a low-emissions economy”, while its main sponsor openly publicises annual plans to grow coal production up to 2028 and beyond. It is clear that these kinds of projections are diagonally opposite with the Paris Agreement or any kind of reasonable GHG reduction target.
We see a future where we shift away from destructive mining operations immediately, no more pumping excessive carbon into the atmosphere and no more polluting waterways and rivers and no destruction of ancient grounds. We consider the extractive operations of all of these mining companies unethical.
We won’t allow a Minerals Forum -where people discuss expansion plans, set export targets and make more short term profits – to go unchallenged.
That is why on the 13th of October we go out and say NO to the hypocrisy of this forum. We will not apologise for taking a stand against the expansion plans of this destructive industry.
We are getting organised as we speak, but still need support on all kinds of fronts; organisational, logistics, financial, PR, artivism, catering, social media.
You don’t need to live in Waikato to help out, a lot can and will be done online.
If you want to join and support this action, please let us know by filling in this short form. You are invited to share some contact details and to indicate if and when you could attend the opening hui:
Based on the responses a Video-meeting will be set up, discuss the kaupapa of the action. Meeting date will be communicated on Thu 17/09.
We will create a document outlining our common goals and organisational principles for the event. If you want to have a say in this, this might be an important meeting to be part of.
If the link does not work, or you want to get in touch in another way, please email us at
And mark your calendars for Tuesday 13th of October for a trip to Kirikiriroa Hamilton! Kia kaha!