OMV's drilling rig arrives!

OMV's drilling rig arrives!

OMV’s rig has arrived in New Zealand waters. It’s called the COSL Prospector and will be doing some work on the Tui oil field for the next few months before moving on to do exploratory drilling for OMV in their Taranaki permits. 12 wells from about October-time. OMV are talking about then using the same rig to drill in the Great South Basin later this summer.
  1. Tell OMV we are in a climate crisis and their drilling rig is not welcome here!

Ring up and tell the OMV New Zealand office that they can’t continue exploring for oil when we’re already experiencing the first effects of climate change.
Phone their Wellington office on 04-910 2500
Email them at
Tell them to keep the fossil fuels in the ground and support renewable energy.

  1. Tell the government that it’s time to stop ALL fossil fuel exploration!

Email Jacinda and Megan and tell them that they need to make oil history and end all exploration and drilling now. Not only are they allowing exisitng exploration to go ahead but they’re extending the time frames for existing permits, helping to keep oil companies here for longer.
Jacinda Ardern PM
Megan Woods, Minister for Energy and Resources

For more information about the campaigns happening to stop OMV check out Oil Free Otago’s website.