Supporting the blockade of the Weapons Expo!
Oil Free Wellington is supporting tomorrow’s blockade of the annual NZDIA Weapons Expo.
She continues, “just as climate change is being fueled by oil and gas companies pursuing profit, war is fueled by weapons manufacturers and industries seeking to make money. Climate change and war destroy homes, displace people and effect the poor and vulnerable.”
“As climate change gets worse so too will conflicts around resources, land, migration and displacement. Tomorrow we will be taking action against businesses which would seek to profit from such conflict and wars.”

The Weapons Expo is a trades fair for major weapons companies, including Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Thales and Northrup Grumman. These companies come together at the Expo each year to carry out business deals, network, and plan how to expand their businesses.
Unfortunately, such deals fuel a global war machine that causes death and destruction in countries across the world.
Groups including Auckland Peace Action, Peace Action Hamilton, People Against Prisons Aotearoa, Palestine Solidarity Network, Whanganui Positive Activists, It’s Our Future Manawatu, Oil Free Wellington, Unions Wellington, Pacific Panthers, Quakers, Catholic Workers and many other individual social justice activists will join the blockade.
We invite people in Wellington to come to the Westpac Stadium tomorrow and join us in taking a stand against war.
More information can be found at
The “Merchants of Death” from Thankyou for Smoking